For about 2 years, I've been chewing my nails raggedy about how to "build" and “launch” this community thing. I asked all the builderly people I know: Substack friends and blogger friends, meditation friends and tech friends. But overthink as I might, I just couldn’t nail down my “unique value proposition”, my “niche” - why anyone would want to practice with me. All the while, the world went on burning, and aching, and falling apart. Building a community felt too hard. It felt futile. I gave up.
Lost as a tumbleweed, I blew hither and yon, saying yes to just about any project that came my way. I sat with
every week for . I organized events and mentorships for artists through Women in Music Canada. I nerded for nature on the Animalogic YouTube channel. I kept my teacher’s website running, and her socials chugging, and her volunteers busy. I danced with strangers at raves and meditation retreats. I made art for friends. I remixed songs… And I completely forgot I was trying to “build” anything at all.Then, one morning, after a psychedelic plunge into the ethers1, I woke up on
's couch in Brooklyn to the smell of fresh matcha and friends' voices talking about change, and love, and things we could do for this aching world. And I realized - DUHHH - community is already unfolding around me all the damn time. I am completely, inextricably entangled in community! All the time! So are you! Tada!Here’s what I know: Community cannot be “built”. It’s like a fungal spore - it just needs a warm, moist, preferably dark corner and it will grow and grow on whatever you feed it.
Here’s what else I know: We gotta be careful what we feed it.
So, that’s what Bodhisavage is: A warm (sometimes wet, mostly dark) corner of the internet where community and wild wisdom can grow, fed by contemplative practice, creativity, and the courageous opening of our great-big hearts.
June’s Live Meditation Session
We’re gunna sit together, live, every month during the Full Moon, so we can germinate as spores, or turn into werewolves, or whatever.
Join me for the first sesh on June 21!
TIME: 8-9 PM EST / 5-6PM PST
DEETS: This month’s Full Moon Meditation session will focus on pouring our awareness into the body, using techniques from Tibetan Tsa Lung and The 5 winds. A beginner-friendly practice for loosening the cramp of feeling stuck in your head.
COST: This session is open to errybody. Please consider paying what you can within your means.
That’s all for now!
You’ll hear from me again on the Full Moon.
❤️ Tasha
(PS. In the meantime, you can join me and Jeff Warren on our weekly practice excursions over at The Mind Bod Adventure Pod!)
Jeff and I left planet Earth on the Ketamine Spaceship under the expert guidance of Ross & Dimitri at Cardea. Jeff saw a many-tentacled God, and I became the super chill, all-pervasive womb of Samantabhadri. She says hi.
Yes. Yes. YES! And thank you for showing up - we've been waiting for this (i.e. YOU!).
Yay! So happy about this, polyglot supernova Lama magic activated!